11th May – Overthrow democracy and drink Guinness

The problem with waking up in the early afternoon is that the day seems so much shorter. One also finds oneself out of kilter with society’s normal time pattern. I did not have an overly productive afternoon, or morning – as it felt at the time. Having fallen behind on my book reading, I have been trawling news and opinion websites for immediate entertainment.

English: Seal of the President of the United S...

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

One thing I have debated to myself is which system of government is better; the British or American one. I would have to side with the British. Although it can be frustrating being in the wilderness if you disagree with those in power. At least the finger of blame and praise can be squarely pointed at success and failure since one party, with a majority in the Commons, can rule near dictatorially.

Conversely, the checks and balances, which Americans seem so fond of, seem to put levels of government directly in conflict with each other. If one wants any endeavour completed the Senate, House of Representatives and President must all come to a harmonious or begrudging agreement. This appears a bit impractical. Too many cooks spoil the legislative pot. I am aware of the arguments of keeping the legislature and executive separate. Yet in both systems democracy seems a patchy solution to attempt to keep a sinking ship sailing.

Bus at Worcester bus station, England.

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Anyway. In the evening I went to the pub with some friends. After about an hour or so and a few more pints of Guinness – this has been a heavy drinking week – I caught the bus to the next town over.

A disadvantage of not living in a thriving metropolis is that public transport is often expensive and of mediocre quality. I am confident the English provinces only receive a few pounds per head for transport infrastructure whereas in the capital it runs into the thousands. However, not being a commuter on the daily grind, perhaps I am being overtly snarky.

I stayed in the next pub until last orders and saw many an old friend.

Your no longer inebriated,

Edmund Donnellan.